Minor Girls Keep Up Winning Start

The minor girls made it two wins out of two with another impressive display against Donaghmore on Saturday morning in Ballinamullan. The score line of 4 13 to 0 7 tells the tale of this match, tenacious defending at the back and serious fire power up front. Benefiting from a strong wind in the first half Cappagh lead 1 10 to 0 2 at the break. Playing into a stiff breeze in the second half the girls had to up their work rate to ensure they didn’t let their grip on the match slip. The girls hit a further 3 03 and the defence held firm to secure another 2 points.
Next up is an away trip to Errigal Ciaran next Saturday Morning (10 March).
Training continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays 6.30 to 7.30

By PRO Mon 5th Mar