Club Notes: January 25th

Winning numbers in the Lottsodoo were 1, 2, 5, 8, 29 and 21 winners each received £5.The main jackpot stays at £5,000 for next week’s draw which takes place as usual at the Bingo in the Parish Centre on Monday night.
The Coaching Course organised by Barry McCaul and given by Terry McCann, in his usual effective and efficient way, was both beneficial and enjoyable for all who took part.
And then there was one….the last person standing was Anita Porter and the promoter was Enda McCrory. Well done to our winner and a big thank you to all who contributed. Sean O’Kane did a great job and his collectors put in a big effort. We hope to have a new one under way next weekend. If you would be willing to collect please contact Sean.
There is training at Youth Sport tomorrow night, Friday, at 8.00pm for those who want to play Senior, Reserve or Minor in 2012.
Saturday 4th February is Scrap Saturday. If you have any scrap metal or old batteries you would help club funds by putting them in the skip in the car park at Ballinamullan. We can also arrange to collect items. The skip will be on site from 10.00am on Saturday week.
The Senior Scór gets underway tomorrow night, Friday in Killeeshil and continues over the weekend. We will be taking part in Killeeshil and we wish our representatives an enjoyable and successful night.
Sincere sympathy to the family circle of the late John Hutchinson, Castleview.

By PRO Tue 24th Jan