CLUB NOTES: January 4th

Winning numbers in the Lottsodoo for December 26th were 5, 12, 18, 23, 25 and Kathleen Harkin and Bernie Connolly each received £50.
Winning numbers in the Lottsodoo for January 2nd were 16, 18, 20, 24, 27 and 20 winners each received £5. The main jackpot stays at £5,000 for next week’s draw which takes place as usual at the Bingo in the Parish Centre on Monday night.
The game on New Year’s Eve was a great success. Well done to Brian, Kieran and Leo for organising it and to all the players who turned out. The game was played in a friendly atmosphere but with a competitive edge that made it both enjoyable and interesting. A single point separated the teams at the end with victory going to the past players. Maybe some of them will become actively involved again in 2012. On Saturday the age gap ranged from seventeen to over forty but the common bond joining them was club identity. We had club spirit in abundance. We had it in the friendship; in the banter; in the passing movements and, indeed, in the odd hefty tackle. It is good to have a club that so many players, past are proud to belong to.
Sean O’Kane and his “collection agents” did great work over the busy holiday period to ensure the smooth running of the Last Man Standing.
The first Club Meeting of 2012 will be on Wednesday January 11th at 8.00pm.

By PRO Wed 4th Jan