CLUB NOTES: November 23rd

Well done to all who represented us so well in Scór na nÓg and all the best to our Céilí dancers in the County Final on Sunday at 3.00pm in Killeeshil.
Best wishes to Gary Wallace for a speedy recovery from his back injury. He underwent surgery last week. This has been an ongoing problem for Gary. Niall McFadden has also been suffering from a recurring shoulder injury and had an operation recently. It would be great to see both players back in full action sometime in 2012 and performing at their best, injury free.
Those who remember our fundraising Christmas Bazaar will remember the super home made Christmas Cake which was beautifully iced and decorated. Kitty Burns presented us with this very special prize every year. Sadly Kitty passed away last week. Sincere sympathy to her relatives and friends.
Keep a space in your diary for a Fundraising Night Table Quiz in the Village Inn, Thursday 1st December 9.30pm. All in aid of Cappagh Hurling.
Full range of club wear, including the newly designed polo shirt, available  from Mary Meenan 028  8077 1407 or Pauline McGinn 028 8224 5687.
A reminder to members that the AGM will be held on Sunday 4th December, nominations, motions and recommendations will be circulated prior to the meeting.
Enda McCrory on 077 8665 2934 or Sean O’Kane on 077 3749 5404  are now taking entries for LAST MAN STANDING, and it couldn’t be easier!!! Entries cost £10, entries will be taken up to Friday 9th of December.
A big thank you to the players, coaches, family members and all those who helped to make our Annual Youth Celebration Night such a success. A special word of thanks to Stephen O’Neill and Dermot Carlin who were our special guests on the night. We were grateful to Noel McGinn for sponsoring hoodies for our Under 14 footballers.
Indoor hurling concluded in the Parish Centre last Friday evening but will resume again in mid January.Many thanks to the Parish and in particular to John Hutchinson for his co-operation in use of the hall. The club Hurling Committee are having a fund raising quiz in McGinns on Thursday 1st December and support would be appreciated.
Cappagh Ladies
A meeting will take place on Friday 25th November at 8.15pm in the club rooms and all senior players are asked to attend and all new members are also welcome. The club held their agm on Thursday past and the new committee is as follows: Chairperson: Antoinette McCusker, Registrar Mary McAleer, Childrens Officer Mairead McCann and PRO Mairead Horisk, anyone who is interested in the Secretary position is asked  to contact Antoinette McCusker.  Congratulations to Sperrin og who are Junior All-Ireland Champions, well done to all involved there.

By PRO Wed 23rd Nov