Killyclogher St Mary’s/Cappagh secured four out of the eight county titles on offer in Galbally last Sunday afternoon. All of the winners now go forward to represent Tyrone at Ulster Semi Final which will be held this Friday Night in Dún Uladh fromt 8.00 pm.
Lets pay tribute to all the hard work put in so far and turn out to support our competitors. See you there!
The full list of County winners were:
Rince Foirne – Coill an Chlochair
Amhránaíocht Aonair – Sharon Kelly, Trí Leac
Ceol Uirlise – An Droim Mór
Aithriseoireacht – Eoin Mc Garrity, Cill Dreasa
Bailéad Ghrúpa – Coill an Chlochair
Nuachleas – Coill an Chlochair
Trath na gCeist – Cill Dreasa
RInce Seit – Coill an Chlochair