AGENDA – Killyclogher St Mary’s / Cappagh AGM – UPDATE

This years Club AGM will take place this Sunday from 4.30pm at the Clubrooms. (time has been amended from 2.30)

Clar an Lae

Minutes of Last Meeting

Matters Arising from Last Meeting
Reports: Turascala – Runai, Cisteoir, Cathaoirleach
Secretary Report
Brendan Harkin
Treasurer Report
Niall McKenna
Chairman’s Address
– Donal Magee

Motions, Proposals and Suggestions
A motion for the discussion of Jersey Sponsorship of Club Teams – Proposed by Anthony Donnelly
A motion for the setting up of a Historical Committee, with the aim to source, catalog and publish imagery, documentation and any other relevant material relating to the club. The aim to ask current & past members, anyone from the community & photographers to share with us their images etc. Acting as an invaluable historical resource to have these image in an online gallery for current and future generations… – Proposed by Fehin Quinn
If further motions have not been received before the AGM, motions can be made from the floor.

Election of Officers and Committee for 2011

Chairperson: Awaiting Nomination
Assisitant Chairperson: Awaiting Nomination
Secretary: Awaiting Nomination
Assistant Secretary: Awaiting Nomination
Treasurer: Awaiting Nomination
Assistant Treasurer: Awaiting Nomination
PRO: Awaiting Nomination
Youth Officer: Awaiting Nomination
Registrar: Awaiting Nomination
Cultural Officer: Awaiting Nomination
Handball: Awaiting Nomination
Hurling: Awaiting Nomination
Ladies Football: Awaiting Nomination
Marketing, Communication & Fundraising: Awaiting Nomination
Hospitality: Awaiting Nomination
Grounds Management & Buildings: Awaiting Nomination
Lotto Coordinators: Awaiting Nomination
Cairde Cappagh: Awaiting Nomination
Players Representative: Awaiting Nomination

Any Other Business
Members are invited to suggest: Nominations for election to the Executive Committee for 2011 and propose motions. Please forward any nominations or motions to the Club Secretary via or leave a comment below, which can be forwarded on your behalf. If nominations for positions have not been received before the AGM, nominations can be made from the floor.

By PRO Tue 23rd Nov