Club Notes: December 16th

Winning numbers in the Lottsodoo were 4, 11, 18, 25, 28 and Mickey Moynagh won £100. The main jackpot stays at £5,000 for next week’s draw which takes place as usual at the Bingo in the Parish Centre on Monday night.
An attractive range of club-wear available in the shop in the clubrooms tomorrow night, Thursday, 7:00 to 8:00pm. Goods which have been ordered should be collected tonight or they will be put back on the shelves for general sale. The shop will open again next Wednesday, 23rd December, from 7:00 to 8:00pm to facilitate those wanting to make a last-minute purchase of an ideal Christmas present. A big thank-you to all who purchased club-wear throughout the year.
Another excellent Christmas present would be a year’s membership in our gym for the reduced price of £120 for the year. This offer is available throughout December and January.
Well done to Tiernan and Conall McCann who made big contributions to Tyrone’s win over Derry last Sunday and good luck in the final this Sunday in Crossmaglen.
Sunday 27th December is the proposed date for the annual past-players game in Ballinamullan.
Sincere sympathy to the family circle of the late Cathal Knox. They have connections with the GAA going back to the All-Ireland Minor success of 1948.
We also remember Paddy Cummins who was one of a disappearing group of men who could carry the old ways and values into the modern era.
The Parish suffered a third loss at the weekend with the death of John Smith. John had a great passion for Irish music, language and handball. He was a man of very high principles and we could say that his greatest principle was to remain true to his principles throughout his life.
Beannachtaí na Nollag agus Bliain nua faoi shéan ‘s faoi shonas.

By PRO Wed 16th Dec