Club Notes: November 25th

Winning numbers in the Lottsodoo were 3, 10, 12, 23, 25 and eleven winners each won £10. The main jackpot stays at £5,000 for next week’s draw which takes place as usual at the Bingo in the Parish Centre on Monday night.
A wide range of Clubwear available in the Merchandise Shop tomorrow night, Thursday, from 7:00 to 8:00pm. All pre-ordered Christmas merchandise can also be collected at this time.
Our U16 Girls completed the elusive double of League and Championship when they added the Juvenile League Title last Saturday to the Championship Title already won. Well done to the entire panel of players and to the management team as well as the enthusiastic supporters who cheered them on to victory.
Mass for Deceased Members will be celebrated on Friday night week, Friday 4th December, at 7:30pm in the Cappagh Suite.
A big thank you to all who stewarded on Sunday and who ensured the smooth running of the play-off game.

By PRO Wed 25th Nov