Club Notes: March 18th

Winning numbers in the Lottsodoo were 7, 10, 11, 13, 19 and six winners each received £20. The jackpot stands at £5,000 for next week’s draw which will be made on Monday evening. Making the draw was one of only two activities we had all week in compliance with the GAA guidelines.

Our second activity was helping the St Vincent de Paul Society to pick up items for a Food Bank which will be distributed by the Society. Our Health & Well-Being Committee and a few club officers helped in the collection. The response was over-whelming and in the days, and maybe weeks, ahead this is an exercise we may need to repeat.

Sincere thanks to everyone who contributed. No doubt our community will rally round and we urge all members to take heed of the latest medical advice and guidelines.

In the meantime, we remind all patrons that the club grounds are off-limits until further notice.

By PRO Thu 9th Apr