Winning numbers in the Lottsodoo were 6, 11, 14, 16, 30 and Antoinette McCusker won £100. The main jackpot remains at £5,000 for the next draw which takes place at the Bingo in the Parish Centre as usual on Monday night.
Wide range of club-wear available in the club shop tomorrow night, Thursday, from 7:00 to 8:00pm. Tickets for the Dinner Dance on Friday week, 10th March, can be obtained in the shop tomorrow night and orders for tables for family groups and friends can be booked.
Sunday 5th March is Registration Day. Youth and adult membership for 2017 can be paid 10:00am to 1:00pm. The O’Neill Cup and players from our Championship winning panel will be available for photographs. There will also be opportunities for young players to test their skills and there will be a free gum-shield for every child registered. Refreshments will be provided.
Couch 2 5K starts on Monday 4th April for five weeks at Youth Sport at 7:00pm. £20 includes free entry to Killyclogher 10K/5K and free T-Shirt. The Killyclogher 10K and 5K will take place on Saturday 13th May.
We wish our Ballad Group and our Solo Singer Hannah McGirr all the best in the Tyrone Scór Final taking place in Dún Uladh this Sunday at 5:00pm. Those working at the Scór should be in place by 4:00pm.
The Minor boys get underway this Saturday at 1:00pm with an away match to An Charraig Mhór and the minor girls on Saturday at 4:00pm with a home match against Clonoe.
The U14 boys begin on Sunday with a home match against Greencastle at 1:00pm and the U14 girls play at home on Sunday at 4:00pm against Cookstown.
Well done to all our young handballers who took part in the Tyrone U10 Championship last weekend in Loughmacrory.
Well done to the U8 and U10 hurlers who took part in the County Blitz in the Leisure Centre last weekend.
There will be a Hurling meeting this Sunday, 5th March, at 12:00pm in the clubrooms. All those who wish to play senior hurling this year should attend. Minor hurlers and U16 hurlers need also to attend. All those who are interested in the promotion of hurling in the club are welcome to attend.
Sincere sympathy to Mary Denton on the death of her nephew.