Club Notes: March 12th

Winning numbers in the Lottsodoo were 2, 7, 12, 13, 29 and ten winners each received £10. The main jackpot stays at £5,000 for the next draw which takes place at the Bingo in the Parish Centre on Monday night week, 24th March. Please note no Bingo on Monday 17th March.

Come Dine With Cappagh with a Country Theme will take place on Saturday 5th April. If you would be willing to put on a meal in your house for a group of friends please contact Roisin Corcoran (07787525523) or Sean O’Kane (07737495404). Following the meal there will be a Gathering in the Parish Centre for music and dancing with music by the acclaimed Country Band The Pilgrims. All proceeds to Club funds so please be as generous as possible.

The popular annual 5K and 10K Run will take place on Saturday 24th May 2014. Over the past few years this event has become increasingly popular both with seasoned runners and novices because of the flat nature of the course.

The Minor Footballers got the year off to a promising start with a draw with Errigal Ciaran. They played Greencastle last night but were unfortunately defeated. The Minor Girls are home to Fintona on Saturday and the U14 Boys are at home to Trillick.

There will be a Hurling meeting for Youth coaches tomorrow night, Thursday, 8:00 to 9:00pm in the Clubrooms. Senior Hurling training Sunday 5:00 to 6:15pm and Friday evening 6:00 to 7:00pm. U16 Hurling Monday 8:00 to 9:00pm and Friday 6:00 to 7:00pm.

Hard luck to Tiernan and Brian McAleer on narrowly losing out in the Ulster Handball Finals last week. Well done on getting to the Final.

We wish to extend sincere sympathy to the family circles of the late Anne Horisk and Siobhan McGread on their sad bereavements. They are all good supporters of the GAA and our Club, both on and off the field.   

By PRO Wed 12th Mar