Old Timers v Current Players 2012

In near perfect Winter conditions in Ballinamullan today, the now annual match between the “Old Timers” and current Footballers was played out and ended in a 1-6 to 1-6 draw. The match had everything you could ask for in a game of this magnitude; overly tight jerseys, knee bandages and hats. On the playing front there was also everthing on offer; long range points, two goals, two saved penalties, dodgy refereeing and cynical tackling more akin to a Rugby Match.
The Old Timers started well and were working the ball up the field with combinations from the McCann and O’Kane Brothers. Playing positions seemed irrelevant and there was great forward runs from the likes of Brian McElroy, Gary McKenna and John McElholm. Kieran Howe, Cathal Green and Ryan Swift were sweeping up effectively at the back and midfield powerhouses Brian Meenan and Fearghal McDonald ensured the oul boys had their share of posession.
The main threat up front came from a formidable triumvirate of Sean “Bing” Bradley, Eoghan “Ogie” McKenna and Ciaran Carland. Indeed Bing and Ogie were still debating at the end of the match who got the last touch for the Old Timers fisted goal. Sean O’Kane argued his pointed free was score of the game. This reporter felt his 50 yard assertion was mildly optimistic.
The current players were not in the mood for a defeat like last year. Indeed, they had even flown home young Conor Hegarty from Canada for the occasion. There was an obvious youthfulness on their side exemplified by the Carlins (Dermot and James), Young Crozier, Micheal Meenagh, Leo Meenan, Niall McFadden, Chrissy Donnelly, Leo Green and Gary Wallace. Mark O’Kane and Eoin Bradley were also performing well although their hair styles indicated they could be nearing a switch to the Old Timers team.
So, at the end controversial referee Paul “Conzo” Conway blew the final whistle with both teams deadlocked.
Evergreen dynamo Brian McElroy was named man of the match.
Donal Magee is still inspecting for any pitch damage.
Well done to all involved.

By PRO Mon 31st Dec