Club Notes: January 18th

Winning numbers in the Lottsodoo were 9, 12, 16, 21, 24 and Rosemary McMullen received £100.The main jackpot stays at £5,000 for next week’s draw which takes place as usual at the Bingo in the Parish Centre on Monday night.
All those who want to play Senior or Reserve football in 2012 are asked to come to Youth Sport tomorrow night, Friday, for an 8.00pm start.
A series of fundraising, social events is being put in place for the next few weeks. Details later.
A skip will be in place in the car park at the Club Rooms on Saturday 4th February from 10.00am for the collection of your unwanted scrap metal and old batteries. If you would like to have some articles collected at your house please inform any member of the committee. Proceeds will go to club funds.
There are just three members left in the Last Man Standing. We will begin a new competition in a couple of weeks time.
Youth Football
All those eligible to play U-16 Football are invited to the Cappagh Suite on Thursday 19th January. Training will commence at 7:00pm and finish at 8:00pm.

By PRO Wed 18th Jan