Commiserations to Cappagh Minors who lost their Quarter Final game to Omagh on a scoreline of 0-7 to 0-12. The main turning point in this game was the sending off of our centre half back after only 7 minutes of the game. Despite this early loss Cappagh played with real heart and passion and went into half time only 2 points down on a scoreline of 0-4 to 0-6. As the game progressed into the second half the extra man began to make more of a difference as legs tired and despite Cappagh still creating scoring opportunities not enough of these resulted in a score. Omagh managed to keep a gap in the scoreline and the game ended up on a scoreline of 0-7 to 0-12. All the Cappagh players can be proud of the massive effort they put in throughout the game and this was evident by the fact that Omagh could never relax their effort as they were not able to put Cappagh away sufficiently.

By PRO Wed 20th May